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Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Jenis Kinesis

Here is a list of different kinesis:

1.Telekinesis-Control over movement/energy/gravity on solid objects.
2.Pyrokinesis-Control over fire.
3.Aerokinesis-Control over wind.
4.Cryokinesis-Control over ice.
5.Electrokinesis-Control over electricity.
6.Terrakinesis -Control over earth(Plants too maybe, im not sure).
7.Hydrokinesis-Control over water.
8.Thermokinesis-Control over heat (This is basically undeveloped pyrokinesis).
9.Magnokinesis-Control over metals/magnetic fields.
10. Lunakinesis-Control over light.
11.Psychokinesis/Psikokinesis-Control over the mind (telepathy and things like that are under here).
12.Biokinesis-Control over DNA/living tissue.
13.Umbrakinesis-Control over shadow
14.Atmokinesis-Control over weather
15.Audiokinesis- The ability to control sound/sound waves.
16.Acidkinesis- The ability to create and control acid.
17.Eokinesis-The ability to manipulate the aging process.
18.Vitakinesis-Healing people
19.Quantumkinesis-Control over mechanics
20.Chlorokinesis-Control over plant
21.Echokinesis-purported ability to mentally perform echolocation.
22.Agrokinesis/Phyllokinesis-Control wood, plants and flowers.
23. Asterokinesis/Astrokinesis-Control energy generated by stars as well as their electromagnetic, gravitational and radiational energies.
24. Astrakinesis-the ability to psychically generate and manipulate psychic and astral energies. One with this hugely powerful ability can summon astral or psychic energy and launch them as concussive beams, rays, etc
25.Atmidokinesis/Hygrokinesis-the ability to mentally generate and manipulate vapor
26. Chaetokinesis/ Trichokinesis-the ability to psychically manipulate hair.
27. Chromokinesis-the ability to mentally manipulate photons in order to change the color of any subject.
28. Crystallokinesis-the anomalistic ability to generate and manipulate crystals and minerals at will.
29. Dermakinesis-the ability to psychically manipulate skin.
30.Ergokinesis-the ability to manipulate all forms of energy.
31. Glukokinesis-the ability to psychically manipulate sugars. This can even be used to increase sugar in products to poisonous levels. No one as of yet is known to possess this ability.
32. Halokinesis-the ability to manipulate salt.
33.Heliokinesis-the ability to manipulate solar energy. Their body is even capable of generating geomagnetic storms and solar winds, or even induce solar flares, should their power be strong enough.
34. Hemokinesis-the control of blood.
35. Hyalokinesis-the Ability to control and manipulate all forms of glass.
36. Hormokinesis - The ability to control and create hormones and pheromones.
37.Hypnokinesis-the physic ability to controll the minds of others sending them into trance.
38.Koniokinesis/Psochokinesis-the ability to mentally generate and manipulate the dust.
39. Leptokinesis-the ability to mentally manipulate subjects on a molecular level, so that one can separate his own molecules to become intangible and phase through subjects, or separate the molecules of other subjects so as to vaporize, dissolve or rearrange any subject one desires.
40. Lipokinesis-the ability to psychically manipulate fat and fatty tissue.
41. Menekinesis-the ability to manipulate lunar energy
42.Metallokinesis-the ability to mentally affect metals; including raising or lowering the density of metal, mentally moving metals around, reforming metals into any desired shape or completely covering oneself in said material, adding to the strength and endurance of the user.
43. Mnemokinesis-the ability to psychically alter or manipulate memory
44. Myokinesis-the ability to psychically alter one's muscular structure, giving the wielder of this ability superhuman strength.
45.Necrokinesis-the mental ability to manipulate dead subjects
46. Nosokinesis - The ability to control and create diseases, viruses and bacteria.
47.Oneirokinesis-the ability to control yours and other peoples dreams.
48.. Optikinesis - The ability to control the eyesight of living creatures.
49.Osteokinesis- the ability to mentally manipulate bones.
50.Papyrokinesis-the ability to manipulate paper at will, controlling its texture to make it as sharp, smooth or abrasive as the user desires.
51.Pathokinesis-the ability to psychically manipulate the emotions of others
52. Peptokinesis-the ability to shift the acidity or baseness of any liquid from basic to acid, or vice versa.
53.Pherokinesis-the ability to psychically manipulate one's own pheromones as well as the pheromones of others for one's own purposes.
54. Pneumakinesis /Pulmokinesis-the ability to psychically manipulate the breathing and respired gases of oneself and others
55. Psammokinesis/ Ammokinesis/Arenakinesis-the ability to mentally manipulate sand.
56. Radiokinesis –control radio active material.
57.Saprokinesis/Myxokinesis-the ability to manipulate anything that is rotten, putrid, moldy and fungal, or that festers with bacteria.
58. Seismokinesis-the ability to control vibration
59. Stoichiokinesis/Chemokinesis-the ability to mentally manipulate chemical elements. This could range from changing their density to releasing the gaseous or radioactive elements offensively
60. Tribokinesis-the ability to change the amount of friction on a surface by manipulating molecules
61.Tychokinesis-the ability to mentally and alter stochastic fields, which affect the chance of one event or another, thus generating good or bad luck.
62. Typhokinesis/Capnokinesis-the ability to mentally generate and manipulate smoke.
63. Lactokinesis-the ability to move milk and dairy products with the mind, similar to telekinesis.
64. Photokinesis-the ability to influence and control vegetation.
65. Carieskinesis - The ability to decay and destroy matter.
66. Chaotikinesis - The ability to mentally create chaos and panic.
67. Cryptokinesis - The ability to render the physical body unseen.
68. Deltakinesis - The ability to control chemical reactions.
69. Dynamokinesis - The ability to control and create all four forces. (Electromagnetic, Strong and Weak Nuclear Forces and Gravity).
70. Illusionarykinesis - The ability of appearances to deceive the mind and senses.
71.Lygokinesis - The ability to control raw psionic energy.
72.Netherkinesis - The ability to control darkness
73. Photoniokinesis - The ability to control radiation.
74. Sonikinesis - The ability to control and create ultrasonic waves.
75. Sonokinesis - The ability to control and create acoustic pulses and send them through air, water and solid matter.
76. Xenoglossy - The ability to temporarily learn any human language instantly.
77. Zoakinesis - The ability to change into and communicate with animals.
78. Maestrokinesis-the ability to empathically gain superhuman abilities based on the types of music one hears.
79. Geokinesis - The ability to control minerals in the earth.
80. Quantakinesis - The ability to increase and decrease quanta (energy) in all of the abilities.

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